America loves to celebrate Pride.

From waving flags, to updating profile pictures to corporations lining their shelves in rainbow-washed merch, June has become one big party.  But what happens to all that love when the parades are over? Where does all the support go when June becomes July? Because that’s when it’s needed the most.

The Trevor Project, 2022 National Survey on LGBTQ Youth Mental Health

WHAT REMAINS is an initiative and art exhibit that takes the remnants and discarded debris from SF’s 2023 Pride Parade and transforms them into original works of enduring art – with 100% of the proceeds going to support mental health services for queer people by queer people.

Featuring works from:

| Alexander Hernandez | Alma Landeta
| Jamil Hellu | Jason Mecier | Jun Yang
| Leonard Reidelbach. | Marcel Pardo Ariza
| Monica Canilao | Nat Saia | Nicole Shaffer

An exhibit of art, resistance an all the beauty that remains after Pride.

The “What Remains” Art Exhibit has a new home!

The exhibit has moved from Schlomer Haus Gallery to SF LGBT Center.


Special thanks to our partners for all their contributions:

While the support and recognition in June for Pride Month is a start, it isn’t nearly enough to address the growing mental health crisis within the queer community. It’s time to take action to ensure sustained meaningful results.

Queer LifeSpace is a non-profit counseling agency that provides affordable, evidence-based mental health and substance abuse services to the LGBTQIA+ community in the Bay Area.

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