Ten artists who refuse to let Pride be discarded.

  • Alexander Hernandez

    My practice conceptually embodies an intersectional connectivity of my identities, rooted in immigrant realities, the navigation of gender expectations, my HIV + status and the sensibilities of the queer experience.


  • Alma Landeta

    A queer Latine multidisciplinary artist and educator whose work seeks to build community through the exploration of intersectional identities.


  • Jamil Hellu

    Jamil Hellu is a visual artist whose work focuses on the fluidity of identity, cultural heritage, and queer representation to express a shift towards a world beyond binaries. His projects challenge the dominant ideology of masculinity while pointing to the tensions found in the evolving discourses about gender expression and queer sexuality. Hellu holds a Master of Fine Arts Degree in Art Practice from Stanford University in the United States and a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Photography from the San Francisco Art Institute. His projects have been discussed in publications such as The New York Times, The Guardian, Artforum, and VICE.


  • Jason Mecier

    A pop artist who creates one of a kind outrageous mosaic portraits. He meticulously fabricates anybody out of anything, from Kevin Bacon out of bacon, to Honey Boo Boo out of 25 lbs. of trash.


  • Jun Yang

    A self-taught, multifaceted, and resourceful artist who uses a broad range of techniques and materials to create art pieces in a variety of sizes and locations, from intimate canvases to full scale murals.


  • Leonard Reidelbach

    My work opposes the legislature's strategy to weaponize trans rights, pushing a fascist agenda threatening everyone's privacy and autonomy. The media intentionally strips trans narratives of nuance and pleasure- qualities that define humanity. By controlling the viewer’s access and making seeing an active process in my work, I invite the audience to the joy that comes from opacity. I use silkscreen to create variations in matrixes. Pattern carries a history that I reconfigure physically, bringing in the infinite potential of past and future realities. New ways of seeing and relating are a way to invite a more welcoming future. Not only for transexuals, but for all of us as we navigate a global shift in privacy, information, and access to truth as a collective.


  • Marcel Pardo Ariza

    A trans visual artist, educator and curator who explores the relationship between queer and trans kinship through constructed photographs, site-specific installations and public programming.


  • Monica Canilao

    An artist that utilizes found and recycled materials to draw attention to our careless culture that casts things aside and teaches the viewer, participants & students if we practice the art of maintenance our world would look much different.


  • Nat Saia

    A multidisciplinary, non-binary artist presenting work surrounding themes of gender, identity and collective consciousness. Nat creates work to ignite connectivity, to invite questions of the intricacies of human experience, and to make shapes out of feelings that often don’t have words.


  • Nicole Shaffer

    An interdisciplinary visual artist with a focus on research based installations. By reconfiguring visual language from local archives and passed down craft techniques, Shaffer reclaims access to a sense of lineage and belonging historically denied to queer, gender variant, and mad lives.
